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By MonorailRed and spacemt354
Based on the acclaimed George R.R. Martin fantasy novel series - A Song of Ice and Fire, and the HBO series Game of Thrones, Westeros is a mesmerizing journey to another realm of dragons, political treachery, and drama. Westeros is a continent located in the far west of "the known world". Most of the events in Game of Thrones take place in Westeros which makes it an essential factor in the land decision. Within Westeros are several kingdoms ruled by various houses, and while there is a rich backstory to the series and the novels that the series is based on, the amount of comprehension necessary to take in all the details of the backstory would be too dense for an average theme park goer, especially a novice to Game of Thrones. Consequently, rather than focusing on the rich history in the depiction of the land, a condensed version of Westeros, portraying some of the most popular and mainstream locations from the show, will act as the gateway for those novice guests to recognize aspects from the show. As you get more involved with the attractions, restaurants, and more - the hard core fans will appreciate the attention to detail, easter eggs, among other hidden nods to the show and novels, while the average fan can still enjoy and understand the experience as a whole.
In regards to the map - there are 3 main locations to Westeros in the land. Those locations being the Mountains of the Moon, King's Landing, and Winterfell.
- The Mountains of the Moon are tall and forbidding, among the tallest peaks in all of Westeros.
- King's Landing is the capital, and largest city, of the Seven Kingdoms and is also the site of the infamous 'Iron Throne'
- Winterfell is the traditional home of House Stark. The Winterfell castle is located alongside the Kingsroad as it makes its way from the Wall to the capital at King's Landing. The wall is a structure that guests the kingdoms of Westeros from the 'White Walkers' of the north, and the wall is guarded by a group called 'The Night's Watch'
The Mountains of the Moon (in a bit of a derivation from the series and novels) is home to the signature attraction of the land - called Dance of Dragons
Dance of Dragons is a thrilling IMAX first-person simulator attraction that puts you in the center of the action in an epic battle for Westeros with help from Daenerys Targaryen also known as the 'mother of dragons' among other names on the show, but in pop culture that is a recognizable title. She's called the mother of dragons because she is actually the mother of three powerful dragons, that she has used in battle to defeat her enemies with their fire breathing capabilities and sheer size. In this adventure, you are traveling through the Mountains of the Moon on an expedition when you are met with one of Daenerys' dragons hiding out in the mountain range. In the pre-show, the dragon reers its head out from a cave, and an audio-animatronic head turns and breathes right in the guest faces. The mother of dragons can be seen calming her dragon, and her second in command demands for a reason why you are in the mountains. Before the answer can be given - an alert from Jon Snow, King of the North is discovered stating that there is a White Walker attack in the North, and Daenerys is needed as well as her dragons. For backup protection, the guests are told that they will fight for her in battle and be able to ride one of her three dragons into the battle for the north. She explains how you should act around the dragons, how to board them, and what the sensation will feel like. Then you enter into the cave and proceed to the load area of the attraction.
Similar to the new Avatar: Flight of Passage attraction at Disney's Animal Kingdom - there will be rows of 8 guests lined up on bike-like vehicles, leaning forward and the simulated 'dragons' breathe and move around as you fly towards the North and into battle on an IMAX projection screen akin to Forbidden Journey. However, unlike those attractions, Universal Creative developed a new patent that is a manipulation of the IMAX screen towards the individual. Something originally planned for flight of Passage - you will be able to see the head of your dragon in front of you on the screen, breathing fire and more, to further immerse you in the experience.
As the attraction begins, you are thrust into a speedy pursuit of the Wall, and you are immediately immersed in the sights, sounds, and smells of Game of Thrones. The crisp winter air bodes strong and you can feel the chill around you in this immersive theater, even to the extent of seeing your breath in front of you. Your dragon breathes heavily, its lungs moving the vehicle back and forth, when suddenly you emerge out of the clouds and into the battle, where your dragon breathes fire down onto the army of white walkers. You soar over the battle field and weave in and out of the decaying trees and surrounding fire. The snow continues to fall as you approach the Wall. The wall begins to break slightly and a massive Ice Dragon attempts to knock your dragon over. An aerial battle ensues, but together you emerge victorious...for now.
Once the battle temporarily ends, the dragons attempt to retreat back to their home in the mountains, but decide to take the long way as to not be found. You're treated to an aerial flight over Westeros, gliding through the clouds and over the seven kingdoms, eventually landing back in the mountains, and roaring on the mountain top as the inspirational music and attraction come to an end.
The capital of the seven kingdoms, King's Landing is a decrepit underbelly of death and deceit. The dichotomy of the city is astounding, from its gaudy yet elegant Red Keep residence, to its polluted stench ridden streets that make Mos Eisley seem like Fuji in comparison. But that dichotomy is explained by the greed and treachery that lives up in the Red Keep, and those who sit on the Iron Throne - most prominently, the complex, manipulative, and some downright evil family members of House Lannister.
In this section of the land, guests can travel through the streets of King's Landing, and see for themselves the crowded and condensed streets that are all at the feet of the Iron Throne, perched in a forced perspective manner on the cliffside point. As guests make their way up to Red Keep, they queue for a Broadway style show within the castle that in the 35 minute show, elicits the history of the Song of Ice and Fire and gives novice guests an outlet to learn more about the backstory, and for hard core fans to relish in the in-depth presentation style of the show, including actors and actresses detailing the main events from the show's past - including dramatic events like Ned Stark's betrayal, The Red Wedding, The Purple Wedding, Tyrion's Trial by Combat, and more. Inside and adjacent to the theater show, is the King's Feast - a buffet table service restaurant serving english and european meats, fish, wheat, and other amenities that are prominent in the Game of Thrones lore.
Inside the walls of Winterfell is an interactive walk-through adventure where you can become part of the 'watch' and, similar to Jedi Training Academy, learn how to sword fight in the castle grounds, make tools in the woodshop and armory, among other adventures that make you a true King of the North. There is also a small quick service venue and shop located within the castle walls.
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